World Harrier Organization
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Our Creed

The World Harrier Organization is dedicated to harriers and harrier groups around the world who usually practice the traditional sport of hare and hounds, where:

⋄ A well laid trail is at least as important as any social activity.

⋄ The traditional practice is the hounds (runners) chasing a hare or hares (runner or runners) laying a live trail, though a few groups may at times pre-lay trail taking the sport out of it, but making up for it with social activity along the trail.

⋄ Members are friendly to all and remember that it is all about fun!

⋄ Members do not judge others by anything more than their sense of humor.

⋄ Members make older members feel like they are young again.

⋄ Members do not seriously humiliate nor demand the drinking of alcohol, which traditionally is simply a refreshment, not the purpose of the sport itself.

⋄ Member groups accept and welcome members from other harrier groups and honor harrier names awarded them in the past.

⋄ Member groups do not intentionally permit acts that reflect badly on the World Harrier Organization or violate this creed.

Boring Details
World Harrier Organization trademark and this website content copyright 1993 - 2024 by the World Harrier Organization, a not for profit association managed by Global Publications and Software, formerly Global Trash, a not for profit publishing company. Content, to include the World Harrier Organization logo with trademark, may be used in part, but not the whole, by member clubs of the World Harrier Organization listed in our directory for informational or entertainment purposes in their newsletters or flyers. It may not be copied in whole or part, screenshots or any other fashion, to any media, including websites, printed materials, blogs, forums, etc., without the express and written permission of Global Publications and Software by any other party other than registered World Harrier Organization groups for their internal use only. See the Contact Us page to request an address to make a formal request for use and any costs external to World Harrier Organization member groups.
Welcome to the World Harrier Organization

Note: IHN and GT Magazine Websites are back! Click on Books and Magazines and you will find the links to the new and updated Global Trash Magazine and InterHASHional News websites. Looking for a different mini directory of the world's harrier groups, go to the IHN website where we show you just what your group's entry will look like in the hardcopy InterHASHional News that is mailed out three times a year. On On!.

The World Harrier Organization is a loose association of friendly groups or clubs who practice the sport of hare and hounds. In this sport, there are hare(s) (a runner or runners) who lay a trail (usually cross-country) with various trail marking materials (like flour, chalk, or the toilet paper used in the second WHO gathering in Orlando picture below). The hares are then followed by the pack of hounds (other runners) a few minutes after the hares are off. The eventual goal of the hounds is to catch a hare before the trail is completed. It is quite fun, with the side effect that you may accidentally get into shape doing the sport. Some participants may run fast, others just jog and most groups nowadays permit walkers to negotiate the trail. They are loosely kept together in ability packs through the use of false trails and ingenious trail design (hopefully). A few groups may occasionally pre-lay trails, kind of taking the sport out of it, but they try to make up for it with social activity along the trail. Most groups in the world chase a live hare setting the trail ahead of them. Groups usually finish their runs with some social activity, song, refreshment and snacks, and sometimes a meal. But, for a better description how we at WHO expects the groups of our loose association to conduct themselves, read the WHO Creed on the left. As Stray Dog, our founder wrote many years ago (now updated for WHO), "The World Harrier Organization is a state of mind - a friendship of kindred spirits joined together for a bit of hounds and hares sport, reliving their childhood or youth, releasing the tensions of everyday life, and generally acting a fool amongst others who will not judge you or measure you by anything more than your sense of humor."

How to Join the World Harrier Organization?
All you need to do is click on the Members page. If you are not logged in, you will automatically find the membership application form there. Fill out the form and submit it. Your email address will be verified by sending your temporary password to you. Sign in and change your password, then your membership is complete. If you were a member of,,, or in the past, you are already a member. Just use those credentials to sign in. If you forgot your User ID and/or password, send a message using the address on the contact us page requesting your sign in details, giving your real name, harrier name (if you have one), harrier group at registration, and original User ID if you remember it. It will save time if you can send it from the original email address from that account if you remember it and still have it. We will help you get back on site once again after verifying your identity. Apologies for any delay, it is all done manually for security reasons. If you haven't heard from us in a few days, please resend.

Our Roots
The roots of the World Harrier Organization began from the first Global Trash magazine publishing efforts that began 1993, reference books in 1994 listing groups, then a global annual event in 1995 (Global Trash Hash) that attracted international participation. That same year, we supported a website and on-line directory where hare and hounds groups registered themselves with us - thus began the registry of hare and hounds groups under one banner that you see here. In later years we assumed publication of the InterHASHional News and began offering more and more website and social media features to members and groups registered with us. After a few name changes, we finally become the World Harrier Organization. Therefore, through a continuous ancestry, we claim a founded date of 1993 as an internationally accepted directory, and later, gathering of hare and hounds members and groups who have registered on our website and participated in our events.

Our Website
The publisher's previous efforts covering the HHH and cross country running will be forwarded here (,,,,, et. al.) Those efforts emphasized the Hash House Harriers or only cross country running, leaving out a large number of hare and hounds groups who practice the sport in a more traditional manner. The World Harrier Organization is a more inclusive organization and this website will reflect a wider view of the sport. Like the old and later, we will provide a reference for hare and hounds (once called the Hash Bible), that will now be rewritten to become the World Harrier Organization Manual. Email lists have been created and forums soon created to provide a social media side of our website for our members. As from the early days of Global Trash, we now include a directory of members and groups belonging to the World Harrier Organization. There will be a calendar of WHO and member group special events. Between 2020-2021, we will provide free websites, harelines, photo albums and email services to member groups and much more, as we did in the past.

So come on back and we will give you a great site where harriers all around the world can find information, list their groups, exchange ideas in our social harrier media and more or less find a more friendly media and wider viewpoint for the sport of hare and hounds than ever before expressed on-line or hardcopy.

Cheers and On On!
Stray Dog
Harrier and Haring since 1982
Editing international harrier publications since 1993
and oh yeah,
Grand Master of the World Harrier Organization

WHO Slogan

"The World Harrier Organization is a state of mind - a friendship of kindred spirits joined together for a bit of hounds and hares sport, reliving their childhood or youth, releasing the tensions of everyday life, and generally acting a fool amongst others who will not judge you or measure you by anything more than your sense of humor."
Stray Dog
(from the World Harrier Organization Manual)

WHO Directory Statistics

The World Harrier Organization maintains the largest directory of hare and hounds groups in the world with 2027 groups in 1320 cities and 184 countries. We estimate there are over 100 thousand active members in those groups, of which 28720 members are registered as members of the World Harrier Organization. That makes this loose confederation the largest running club in the world.

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