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Welcome to the World Harrier Organization Group Directory, the largest gateway to the world's harrier groups. It has always had more data, logos and support for the on-line presence of harrier groups than any other source. To make changes or add to the directory, you must sign into the website. For updates, you must be a contact or have a position for your particular group (details on that below on Contacts).

To update an existing group, find that group's webpage using the search tool above. There you will find links to update data for the group. You must be a contact or hold a position with your group by volunteering to be a contact or choose a position for your group from the member page (manage your groups).

To add a NEW group to the directory, make sure it does not exist already! First, search by location as well as the name. What you think it is called may not be the way it is entered. Then, if you are really sure it is not in the directory, click on Add New Group link on the left and fill out the form and submit it. Don't forget to have your members add themselves as a contact later.

To add Management or Contacts to the group so visitors and harriers coming into your area can find you, each member of your group in mismanagement, or who would make a reliable contact must do that through their group management utility on the Members page. In the new directory, we make it the responsibility of group members to add or remove themselves as members of mismanagement or as a contact or event contact. That way, they cannot complain someone put them in without their consent. So if they are not a WHO member, tell them to sign up, go to the Members page group manager and add themselves as your group�s management position they hold or as a contact or event contact.

The data in this directory were used to publish the contact lists printed in InterHASHional News and periodically in Global Trash magazine. It was also used in the Global Trash Hash Bible and separately as a hard copy directory for many events. Global Trash magazine no longer has a contact list and is a periodical covering news and articles for the World Harrier Organization. InterHASHional News is dedicated to the Hash House Harriers and still periodically includes a contact list for all groups in the world.

Check out the Harrier Statistics in the right column to check out the numbers, breakdowns of hash groups by geography and more. Enjoy a bit of trivia that you can share with other harriers at the On-In!

Hardcopy Directories: Almost all members now have access to our website, we no longer print an annual, comprehensive hard copy directory, however our abridged directories published periodically in IHN satisfies the need for a hard copy directory. IHN has done this since it was the only directory available when it began publishing in the eighties. The World Harrier Organization, previously under the name Global Trash, Global Trash Hash, World Interhash and Global Interhash, has provided one regularly to participants of our annual event since 1995.

History: Since 1993, Global Trash has published a directory of hare and hounds groups around the world. Even before GT, the editor began a directory when he was German Nash OnSec with the German Nash Trash. This effort grew with his next periodical, EuroTrash, which eventually turned into the magazine you now know as Global Trash today. In July 1995 GT put up its first website and the directory was put on line in September that year. The oldest international hare and hounds publication, InterHashional News, provided a directory since 1984. GT provided data for IHN towards the end of Mr. Spock's long editorship, eventually taking over publication, continuing to provide periodic directories. Now under the new World Harrier Organization, Global Publications and Software (GP&S), the umbrella publisher for all of this, continues to publish web and hardcopy directories for harriers. After repeated attacks on our server and database, we shut down for a couple years after 2012 to reevaluate our security and rebuild the sites. While no personal details were ever leaked, as we were the first on-line directory to require a membership and strict log-in process, data were destroyed or overwritten with sql injection, repeatedly. This is nothing that large corporations have not suffered. However, that is all programmed against now and we are hoping for better luck in the future.

The Future - As you can see, the world directory was revamped with a better look and security. We protected the data in the past and it was not taken in mass, as some hacks have done to other sites. However, the future security helps not only to protect the mass data, but to prevent it from being corrupted or destroyed. With our provider giving us a much higher level of security, the design making it much tougher to hurt us, and data backup more proactive, we are confident that we can persevere from now on. We left the site to fallow for several years, but encouragement and directory use from many harriers has caused me to try one more time to rebuild the site to its former glory.

We hope to have the basics of all this completed by the end of 2020, with features added constantly until the end of the year. If you had a previous, or Visual On-Sec account in the past, and your data can be rehabilitated from the attacks, I am working to set up your new sites with similar criteria as before. All your pictures from before should be available. I am shooting for the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021, with some features completed earlier.


Cheers and On On
Stray Dog
GM World Harrier Organization
WHO Directory Statistics

The World Harrier Organization maintains the largest directory of hare and hounds groups in the world with 2027 groups in 1320 cities and 184 countries. We estimate there are over 100 thousand active members in those groups, of which 28720 members are registered as members of the World Harrier Organization. That makes this loose confederation the largest running club in the world.

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